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vasectomy spelled out in crossword letters.

Most Common Vasectomy Misconceptions

Mention the “V” word around some men, and all you will see after that is the back of their heads. There are so many myths and misconceptions about vasectomies, many men don’t even want to hear the word, let alone any explanations or additional information. That’s disappointing, since it is the most effective type of birth control. Stay seated, stay calm, and let us clear up the common vasectomy misconceptions.

Read More »Most Common Vasectomy Misconceptions
Blue ribbon in doctor hand.

Advanced Prostate Cancer Diagnoses Rising As PSA Screening Decline

In most types of cancer, advanced cases or stages are more difficult to treat, and cure rates are lower. As of this date, the rate of prostate cancer diagnoses at an advanced stage has increased by 4-5% since 2011. If this continues, it is expected that death rates will increase as time passes. The cause and effect? Advanced prostate cancer diagnoses rising as PSA screening declines.

Read More »Advanced Prostate Cancer Diagnoses Rising As PSA Screening Decline
Man drinking water in extreme heat.

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) And Summer Heat: What You Should Know

An occasional problem with sexual performance is nothing to be overly concerned about. However, if it persists and becomes more frequent, there might be something physical going on. If it occurs more repeatedly during the summer months, heat can be the culprit. Erectile dysfunction (ED) and summer heat: what you should know.

Read More »Erectile Dysfunction (ED) And Summer Heat: What You Should Know
man holding his lower back in pain.

What Could Be Causing Recurring Kidney Stones?

There are few things in life as painful as passing a kidney stone. If you have had one, you know. The problem is that once you have a kidney stone, you are likely to get another one. In fact, you have a 35 to 50% chance of having another within 5 years. Nature can be cruel. Why is this the case, and what could be causing recurring kidney stones?

Read More »What Could Be Causing Recurring Kidney Stones?
older man and wife smiling.

Is There A Connection Between BPH And Prostate Cancer?

Benign prostatic hyperplasia, or BPH, is an enlargement of the prostate gland in men. The prostate gland enlarges as a man ages causing inconvenient symptoms in the urinary tract. It is not really a dangerous condition, but it should be monitored to prevent complications in the bladder, kidneys, and urinary tract. Many men wonder if is there a connection between BPH and prostate cancer. Let’s find out.

Read More »Is There A Connection Between BPH And Prostate Cancer?

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