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Erectile Dysfunction

Man drinking water in extreme heat.

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) And Summer Heat: What You Should Know

An occasional problem with sexual performance is nothing to be overly concerned about. However, if it persists and becomes more frequent, there might be something physical going on. If it occurs more repeatedly during the summer months, heat can be the culprit. Erectile dysfunction (ED) and summer heat: what you should know.

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A male patient consults with a doctor about ED.

Understanding the Types of Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is a touchy subject. It used to be taboo in polite conversation. Men did not want to acknowledge its existence and only discussed it with their doctor when they were forced to. Times have changed with TV advertisements for ED being a common occurrence, but many men still find it difficult to discuss ED with their doctors. Maybe understanding the types of erectile dysfunction will make it easier to broach the subject.

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Couple frustrated by ED.

Is Erectile Dysfunction Permanent? What You Should Know.

Is erectile dysfunction permanent? We are here to tell you E.D. can be treated in almost all cases. More importantly, the biggest barrier to restoring full sexual function is a man’s reluctance to seek treatment. If you are living with some erectile dysfunction issues, now is the time to get some answers.

Read More »Is Erectile Dysfunction Permanent? What You Should Know.
Man talking to his doctor.

What To Expect During An Erectile Dysfunction Exam

When a man is having concerns about erectile dysfunction, it may take him a while to finally address the topic with his doctor. There may be a lot of anxiety and fear about a diagnosis and even about having the erectile dysfunction exam. We can ease some worry by giving you an overview and what to expect during an erectile dysfunction exam.

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Men's health exam with doctor.

Is My Erectile Dysfunction Treatable?

When you decide it’s finally time to talk with Raviender Bukkapatnam, MD, and Mohit Sirohi, MD about your erectile dysfunction, all that is needed to begin is answering some medical questions and getting a physical exam. You may have chronic health issues that could be the underlying cause. You won’t know any answers until you begin.

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doctor and male patient talking.

Talking To Your Doctor About Erectile Dysfunction

Talking to your doctor about erectile dysfunction may be embarrassing for some men, and obviously it is a delicate subject. You may be surprised to learn that 75% of ED causes are physical in nature. So what you may be most worried about may have nothing to do with the cause. Unless and until you discover the “why,” you won’t be able to focus on the “how” to fix the problem.

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